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Create a source-able Python virtual environment using makePythonPoetryEnvironment.

Pre-requisites: Having both pyproject.toml and poetry.lock.


  • makePythonEnvironment: (function { ... } -> package):
    • pythonProjectDir (path): Required. Python project where both pyproject.toml and poetry.lock are located.
    • pythonVersion (str): Required. Python version used to build the environment. Supported versions are 3.9, 3.10, 3.11 and 3.12.
    • preferWheels (bool): Optional. Use pre-compiled wheels from PyPI. Defaults to true.
    • overrides (function {...} -> package): Optional. Override build attributes for libraries within the environment. For more information see here. Defaults to (self: super: {}).


      By default we override every python package deleting the homeless-shelter directory and changing the HOME variable, we make this to assure purity of builds without sandboxing.


{ makePythonEnvironment, projectPath, ... }:
  jobs."myPythonEnvironment" = makePythonEnvironment {
    pythonProjectDir = projectPath "/makes/example";
    pythonVersion = "3.11";
    preferWheels = true;
    # Consider pygments requiring setuptools to build properly
    overrides = self: super: {
      pygments = super.pygments.overridePythonAttrs (
        old: {
          preUnpack =
              export HOME=$(mktemp -d)
              rm -rf /homeless-shelter
            + (old.preUnpack or "");
          buildInputs = [super.setuptools];

Refer to makePythonLock to learn how to generate a poetry.lock.


Create a Python virtual environment using poetry2nix.

Pre-requisites: Having both pyproject.toml and poetry.lock.


  • makePythonPoetryEnvironment: (function { ... } -> poetry2nixBundle):
    • pythonProjectDir (path): Required. Python project where both pyproject.toml and poetry.lock are located.
    • pythonVersion (str): Required. Python version used to build the environment. Supported versions are 3.9, 3.10, 3.11 and 3.12.
    • preferWheels (bool): Optional. Use pre-compiled wheels from PyPI. Defaults to true.
    • overrides (function {...} -> package): Optional. Override build attributes for libraries within the environment. For more information see here. Defaults to (self: super: {}).


      By default we override every python package deleting the homeless-shelter directory and changing the HOME variable, we make this to assure purity of builds without sandboxing.


{ makePythonPoetryEnvironment, projectPath, ... }:
  jobs."myPythonPoetryEnvironment" = makePythonPoetryEnvironment {
    pythonProjectDir = projectPath "/makes/example";
    pythonVersion = "3.11";
    preferWheels = true;
    # Consider pygments requiring setuptools to build properly
    overrides = self: super: {
      pygments = super.pygments.overridePythonAttrs (
        old: {
          preUnpack =
              export HOME=$(mktemp -d)
              rm -rf /homeless-shelter
            + (old.preUnpack or "");
          buildInputs = [super.setuptools];

Refer to makePythonLock to learn how to generate a poetry.lock.


Create a python package bundle using nixpkgs build functions. This bundle includes the package itself, some modifications over the tests and its python environments.


  • makePythonPyprojectPackage: Input -> Bundle
  • Input: Attrs
    • buildEnv: Attrs -> PythonEnvDerivation The nixpkgs buildEnv.override function. Commonly found at nixpkgs."${python_version}".buildEnv.override
    • buildPythonPackage: Attrs -> PythonPkgDerivation The nixpkgs buildPythonPackage function. Commonly found at nixpkgs."${python_version}".pkgs.buildPythonPackage
    • pkgDeps: Attrs The package dependencies. Usually other python packages build with nix, but can be also a nix derivation of a binary.

      • runtime_deps: listOf Derivation
      • build_deps: listOf Derivation
      • test_deps: listOf Derivation
        • src: NixPath The nix path to the source code of the python package. i.e. not only the package itself, it should also contain a tests folder/module, the pyproject conf and any other meta-package data that the build or tests requires (e.g. custom mypy conf).
      • Bundle: Attrs
        • check: Attrs Builds of the package only including one test.
      • tests: Derivation
      • types: Derivation
        • env: Attrs
      • dev: PythonEnvDerivation The python environment containing only runtime_deps and test_deps
      • runtime: PythonEnvDerivation The python environment containing only the package itself and its runtime_deps.
        • pkg: PythonPkgDerivation The output of the nixpkgs buildPythonPackage function i.e. the python package

The default implemented tests require mypy and pytest as test_deps. If you do not want the default, you can override the checkPhase of the package i.e. using pythonOverrideUtils or using the overridePythonAttrs function included on the derivation of nix built python packages.


{ inputs, makeScript, makePythonPyprojectPackage, ... }: let
  nixpkgs = inputs.nixpkgs;
  python_version = "python311";
  python_pkgs = nixpkgs."${python_version}Packages";
  bundle = makePythonPyprojectPackage {
    src = ./.;
    buildEnv = nixpkgs."${python_version}".buildEnv.override;
    buildPythonPackage = nixpkgs."${python_version}".pkgs.buildPythonPackage;
    pkgDeps = {
      runtime_deps = with python_pkgs; [click];
      build_deps = with python_pkgs; [flit-core];
      test_deps = with python_pkgs; [
  env = bundle.env.runtime;
    jobs."myPythonPyprojectPackage" = makeScript {
      name = "myPythonPyprojectPackage";
      searchPaths.bin = [ env ];
      entrypoint = ''my-cli "$@"'';
      # Assuming that the pyproject conf has
      # a definition of `my-cli` as a cli entrypoint

Because env.runtime include the package, all tests are triggered when building the environment. If is desirable only to trigger an specific check phase, then use the check derivations that override this phase.


To avoid performance issues use a shared cache system (e.g. cachix) or an override over the package to skip tests (unsafe way) to ensure that tests are executed only once (or never). This can also help on performance over heavy compilation/build processes.


Generate visual studio code configuration for python development.


  • makePythonVscodeSettings: Input -> SourceAble
  • Input = Attrs
    • name: str
    • env: PythonEnvDerivation A python environment derivation. e.g. can be builded from nixpkgs standard builders or from some env of the outputs of makePythonPyprojectPackage
    • bins: listOf Derivation Derivations to include on the searchPaths.bins input


{ inputs, makePythonPyprojectPackage, makePythonVscodeSettings, outputs, projectPath, ... }: let
  root = projectPath "/my_package";
  bundle = makePythonPyprojectPackage {
    inherit (inputs) buildEnv buildPythonPackage;
    pkgDeps = {
      runtime_deps = [];
      build_deps = [];
      test_deps = with inputs.python_pkgs; [
    src = root;
    jobs."myPythonVscodeSettings" = makePythonVscodeSettings {
      env =;
      bins = [];
      name = "my-package-env-dev";
    dev.myPackage.source = [outputs."/my-env"];
source "$(m . /dev/myPackage)/template"


Integrating python packages built with nix can create conflicts when integrating various into one environment. This utils helps unifying the dependencies into one and only one version per package.


  • PythonOverride = PythonPkgDerivation -> PythonPkgDerivation A functions that creates a new modified PythonPkgDerivation from the original.

  • pythonOverrideUtils: Attrs

    • compose: (listOf functions) -> _A -> _Z Function composition, the last function on the list is the first applied. For each function _R -> _S on the list, its predecessor must match their domain with the range of the function i.e. _S -> _T.
    • no_check_override: PythonOverride Skips the python package tests that are triggered on the build process. This override is defined through recursive_python_pkg_override.
    • recursive_python_pkg_override: (Derivation -> bool) -> PythonOverride -> PythonOverride Search over all the tree of sub-dependencies the derivation that evaluates to true as defined by the supplied first argument filter Derivation -> bool. If match, the supplied PythonOverride (second arg) is applied.
    • replace_pkg: (listOf str) -> PythonPkgDerivation -> PythonOverride Replace all python packages that match the supplied list of names, with the supplied python package. The returned override is defined through recursive_python_pkg_override